lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

My food - shared!

Do you like to share food with your friends? Well it's amazing the truth I love and that's why I bring you some tips that can help you in some aspects:
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First Remember to always invite the people you spend the most with, if not, you could cause a conflict between your friends and the people they do not know yet.

Nex, do not forget to always be in contact with the people that you are going to meet, in place, date and time so that everyone can attend and in this way have no problem, in that they can not attend.

After that, I recommend that if you meet, that it is with people who really want to help, do not forget that less is more, there is no need for many people to be in the kitchen, they could take turns working as a team.

Finally you will have the great day which is given in which everyone will meet, there will be people who arrive late, but those who arrive first are those who will start to do things until the rest arrives and fits into the situation, at that time those who were from the beginning will rest and the new arrivals will continue the work.

Good luck in your next meeting and I hope I have helped, sure these tips will make it more equitable.

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